
Tahfidz Qur'an

The Tahfidz Quran Program at AIS is led by experienced ustadz and syaikh from Palestine. The program has different memorization targets for each level of education, juz 30 for preschool, 5 juz when graduating from elementary school, 15 juz when graduating from middle school, and 30 juz when graduating from high school. Students who successfully reach the memorization target and pass the exams will receive an ijazah sanad Al Quran that is traced back to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).


Islamic Character Development

Islamic education at AIS encompasses the core beliefs of Sunni Islam, emphasizes faith in Allah and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), focuses on developing good character and ethical behavior, covers Islamic practices and worship, and involves studying the history and development of Islam. These elements are integrated into the curriculum and daily life at the school, providing students with a holistic Islamic education that they can practice both at school and at home under proper guidance.


International Curriculum

AIS utilizes the internationally Cambridge curriculum, particularly for English, Mathematics, and Science subjects. Students who successfully complete their exams will earn a Cambridge certificate, valued and recognized in 139 countries worldwide.


Maximize Student Potensial

We believe every child possesses potential in both specific and diverse scientific fields. We strive to develop each student's unique interests and talents, helping them achieve their full potential.


Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

AIS partners with Dar Al Qur'an Wa Sunnah, a respected institution in Gaza, Palestine, to bring Al-Quran and Islamic Daurah education programs to Indonesia. This collaboration allows AIS students to learn directly from esteemed sheikhs, focusing on learning Qur'an (asmi' & Talaqqi) and advanced Islamic Subject.


Professional Teachers from Various Countries

AIS is supported by professional and competent teachers in their respective fields, both from Indonesia and from abroad, such as Palestine, Egypt, Germany, and Tanzania. This allows students to learn about different characters and cultures and to become accustomed to international interaction.


Lokasi Strategis, Akreditas A in english?

Al Lathif Islamic School is strategically located in the heart of Bandung City (approximately 1 km from the Pasteur toll gate), making it easily accessible via various modes of public transportation. Alhamdulillah, our school is also accredited with EXCELLENCE.

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Where every day is a new opportunity to grow and thrive in a loving and supportive environment. Together, let's create a bright and meaningful future for our next generation. Invest in your child's future with an affordable education at Al Lathif Islamic School. Contact us today to learn more about our school and our scholarship programs.