New Student Admissions for the Academic Year 2024/2025 are Now Open
Alhamdulillah, the Student Admission (PPDB) for Preschool (TK), Primary School (SD), Secondary School (SMP), Upper Secondary School (SMA), and the Tahfidz Takhasus Program for 2024 is now open.
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Empowering Students to Reach Their Full Potential
We are always striving to uncover the potential within each student and develop it into achievements.
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International Curriculum
Al Lathif Islamic School: Your Gateway to Global Education with Teachers from Around the World.
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Empower Your Future

Our Programs


Preschool (TK)

Early Childhood Education specially designed for children aged 3-6 years old to build a strong foundation in faith, character, and readiness for the next level of learning.

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Primary School (SD)

Primary School education is specifically designed to build student competencies for lifelong learning readiness and to shape strong Islamic faith and morals.

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Secondary School (SMP)

Al Lathif Islamic Secondary School offers education with an international curriculum that focuses on Islamic education and the Quran as a way of life.

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Upper Secondary School (SMA)

Education specially designed to shape future Islamic leaders and ustadz who are ready to actively participate in society.

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Program Tahfidz Takhasus

Special Quran Memorization Program for teenagers and adults to memorize the entire Quran (30 Juz) within 2 years with mastery (mutqin).

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Al Lathif Islamic School


Since 2000,
dedicated to bringing positive impact

Al-Lathif Islamic School (AIS) is an international Islamic school located in Bandung, Indonesia. We offer a unique blend of academic excellence, Islamic values, and character development through our Cambridge curriculum and Tahfidz program. AIS is the perfect choice for parents who want their children to receive a high-quality education that is rooted in Islamic values. We are committed to helping our students become well-rounded individuals who are ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Excellence in Action, Rooted in Islamic Principles

/ H. Dahawanen, S.H.,M.H.

Why Choose Al Lathif Islamic School

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “There is no gift a parent can give their child that is better than a good education.” (narrated by Al Hakim: 7679).


Tahfidz Qur'an

Tahfidz Qur'an

Tahfidz Qur'an

The Tahfidz Quran Program at AIS is led by experienced ustadz and syaikh from...

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Islamic Character Development

Islamic Character Development

Islamic Character Development

Islamic education at AIS encompasses the core beliefs of Sunni Islam, emphasi...

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International Curriculum

International Curriculum

International Curriculum

AIS utilizes the internationally Cambridge curriculum, particularly for Engli...

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Maximize Student Potensial

Maximize Student Potensial

Maximize Student Potensial

We believe every child possesses potential in both specific and diverse scien...

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Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

AIS partners with Dar Al Qur'an Wa Sunnah, a respected institution in Gaza, P...

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Tahfidz Qur'an

Tahfidz Qur'an

Tahfidz Qur'an

The Tahfidz Quran Program at AIS is led by experienced ustadz and syaikh from...

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Islamic Character Development

Islamic Character Development

Islamic Character Development

Islamic education at AIS encompasses the core beliefs of Sunni Islam, emphasi...

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International Curriculum

International Curriculum

International Curriculum

AIS utilizes the internationally Cambridge curriculum, particularly for Engli...

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Maximize Student Potensial

Maximize Student Potensial

Maximize Student Potensial

We believe every child possesses potential in both specific and diverse scien...

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Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

Guided Directly by Sheikhs with Sanad

AIS partners with Dar Al Qur'an Wa Sunnah, a respected institution in Gaza, P...

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Proving our dedication to unlocking every potential


  • 1st place for the 25-meter butterfly and breaststroke, 2nd place for the 25-meter freestyle fins, and 3rd place for the 25-meter freestyle at the Maestro Swimming Fun Festival II
  • 1st Place in the Elementary School Pildacil Competition at the ebyar Hari Santri Event in Bandung City
  • 3rd Place in the Adhan Competition at the Daarul Muttaqin Cimahi
  • 3rd Place in the 40-meter Freestyle Swimming Competition (Elementary School Category) at the Kabumi Swimming League
  • 3rd Place in Tahfidz at the Gebyar Expo in Daarul Muttaqin Cimahi
  • Gold Medal in National Level for Mathematics in Science Olympiad 2023
  • Gold Medal in National Level for Science in Science Olympiad 2023
  • Gold Medal in National Level for English in Science Olympiad 2023
  • Gold Medal in National level for Biology in Science Olympiad #3 2023
  • 1st Place in the U09 Category at the 2023 Jabar Latih Expo and Competition
  • Hafidz Qur'an 20-25 Juz
  • Muhammad Riyadhul Jinan (25 Juz), Naura Puti Salsabila (20 Juz), Zaidan (20 Juz)

  • Hafidz Qur'an 10-15 Juz
  • Muhammad Albara (10 Juz), Zalu Sri Ananda (11 Juz)

  • Hafidz Al Qur'an 5-10 Juz
  • Rizal (6 Juz), Naila Nurushifa (6 Juz), Fawwaz Akbar Fauzan (5 Juz), Zalu Sri Ananda (9 Juz), Royyan Az Zahra Amilatullah(8 Juz), Yudha (8 Juz), Siti Tazkia (7 Juz), Khumaira Raudhatul Jannah (7 Juz), , Muhammad Albara (7 Juz), Muhammad Rasyid (7 Juz), Raja Beransah (7 Juz)

  • Hafidz Al Qur'an 3-5 Juz
  • Kirey Nazwa Femilia (4Juz), Janidya Wibisana Kosim (4 Juz), Quaniesha Nidhifah Kurnia (4 Juz), Raja Muda Wiraatmaja (4 Juz), Adam Athaya (4 Juz),

Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events!


See What They Say

Congratulations to Al Lathif Islamic School! Winning the National Robotics Championship title representing Bandung City is an extraordinary achievement. Your students' creativity and innovation in the IT field are truly inspiring, and they will undoubtedly motivate others to explore their own potential. Well done!

Ir. Iwa Gartiwa ,MM.

Chairman of the Bandung City Chamber of Commerce and Industry


On behalf of the Bandung City Government, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Al Lathif Islamic School. Your dedication to fostering exceptional hafidz and hafidzah is truly commendable, and we are grateful for the role you play in nurturing generations of young Islamic achievers. Thank you for your outstanding contribution to our city.

Medi Mahendra, SP., S.Sos., M.Si.

Secretary of the Bandung City Archives and Library Service

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Join us at Al Lathif Islamic School

Where every day is a new opportunity to grow and thrive in a loving and supportive environment. Together, let's create a bright and meaningful future for our next generation. Invest in your child's future with an affordable education at Al Lathif Islamic School. Contact us today to learn more about our school and our scholarship programs.