The Isra' Mi'raj: A Test and Path to Strengthening Faith and Piety

A Night of Wonder and Significance

Halo Brother! How are you all doing? We hope you're healthy and happy. Today, we'll discuss one of the most amazing and awe-inspiring events in Islamic history: the Isra' Mi'raj. What exactly is the Isra' Mi'raj? When and how did it occur? Why is it so important for us? Let's delve into the explanation below!

The Journey of Isra' Mi'raj

The Isra' Mi'raj refers to the nocturnal journey undertaken by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, Palestine, and then onwards to the heavens, reaching Sidratul Muntaha, the closest point to Allah SWT. During this journey, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Allah SWT and received the commandment to perform the five daily prayers. He also encountered previous prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, and witnessed both paradise and hell.

The Timing and Setting of the Journey

This extraordinary event happened on the 27th night of Rajab in the 10th year of prophethood, which translates to roughly 621 CE. On that night, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was asleep at the house of his aunt, Umm Hani bint Abi Talib, near the Masjid al-Haram. Suddenly, Angel Gabriel appeared and woke him up. The angel brought a heavenly steed named Buraq, resembling a winged white horse with incredible speed. Angel Gabriel then invited Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to mount Buraq and travel to the Masjid al-Aqsa.

The Significance of the Isra' Mi'raj

This journey serves as a testament to the wonders and the greatness of Allah SWT, who bestowed this extraordinary experience upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Isra' Mi'raj also signified a test and a path to strengthening the faith and piety of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslim community. At that time, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was facing numerous hardships and challenges, including the passing of his wife and uncle, rejection and persecution from the Quraysh tribe, and a social and economic boycott. Through the Isra' Mi'raj, Allah SWT provided strength and motivation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to persevere in his call to Islam (dawah) and spread the faith. Moreover, Allah SWT bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslim community the greatest gift: prayer (salat), the pillar of religion and the means of spiritual connection for believers.

The Miraculous Journey

With the assistance of Angel Gabriel and the Buraq, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) embarked on the journey. From the Masjid al-Haram, they ascended to the Masjid al-Aqsa, where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led a congregational prayer with other prophets. They then continued upwards through the heavens. In the first heaven, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Prophet Adam. In the second heaven, he encountered Prophet Jesus and Prophet John. The third heaven brought him face-to-face with Prophet Joseph. In the fourth heaven, he met Prophet Idris. The fifth heaven held Prophet Aaron. The sixth heaven presented Prophet Moses. And finally, in the seventh heaven, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Prophet Abraham. Here, he also witnessed the Baitul Ma'mur, the place where angels constantly perform their prayers. Following this, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Angel Gabriel proceeded to Sidratul Muntaha, the closest point to Allah SWT. There, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met Allah SWT and received the commandment to perform the five daily prayers. He also witnessed paradise and hell, along with various wonders and beauties that reside within them. After these encounters, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) returned to the Masjid al-Aqsa and then back to the Masjid al-Haram. Remarkably, the entire journey took place within a single night.

Lessons and Wisdom from the Isra' Mi'raj

The Isra' Mi'raj offers numerous lessons and wisdom for us, including:

  • Faith and Gratitude: We must have unwavering faith and express gratitude towards Allah SWT for bestowing upon us the blessings of Islam, faith, and countless other bounties.
  • Performing Prayers Diligently: We must offer prayers with full concentration and consistency (khusyuk and istiqomah) as a form of worship and communication with Allah SWT. It's a means to seek His forgiveness and mercy.
  • Following the Prophet's Example: We should follow the Sunnah and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the final and the most perfect prophet sent by Allah SWT as a mercy to all humankind.
  • Unity and Brotherhood: We must stand united and act as brothers and sisters in Islam, regardless of our ethnicity, nationality, skin color, or school of thought (mazhab). We should help and show compassion towards fellow Muslims.
  • Love and Yearning for Allah and His Messenger: We must cultivate love and longing for Allah SWT and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad PBUH). We should strive to draw closer to Him through various acts of worship, such as reciting the Quran, sending blessings upon the Prophet (salawat), engaging in remembrance (dhikr), and supplication (dua).

The Isra' Mi'raj is a cornerstone of Islamic faith, serving as a reminder of Allah SWT's immense power and Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) status as a chosen messenger. It signifies the importance of prayer, perseverance, and strengthens our resolve to live righteously according to Islamic teachings. By understanding the significance of this event, we can deepen our faith and strive to become better Muslims.