8 Habits of Successful Muslims

Success is everyone's dream. However, not everyone knows how to achieve it. Moreover, as Muslims, we also have to maintain a balance between the worldly life and the hereafter. So, what are the habits of successful Muslims that we can emulate?

Here are 8 habits of successful Muslims that can inspire us:

1. Wake up early and pray Tahajjud

Waking up early is one of the habits possessed by many successful people. By waking up early, we can have more time to do productive things. Besides, we can also use the time before dawn to pray Tahajjud.

Tahajjud prayer is one of the sunnah prayers that is highly recommended by the Prophet SAW. By praying Tahajjud, we can get closer to Allah SWT, ask for forgiveness, and pray for all our needs. Tahajjud prayer can also provide peace, strength, and blessings for us.

2. Maximizing worship and prayer

Worship and prayer are two things that cannot be separated from the life of a Muslim. Worship is our obligation as servants of Allah SWT, while prayer is our weapon to face all challenges. Therefore, we must maximize our worship and prayer.

Maximizing worship means that we must perform obligatory worship perfectly, such as the five daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj. In addition, we must also increase the sunnah prayers, such as Dhuha prayer, Witr prayer, sunnah fasting, and so on. Maximizing prayer means that we must always pray to Allah SWT, both in our spare time, before and after doing something, and in difficult times. We must also pray sincerely, believingly, and with tawakkal.

3. Have a definite goal

Successful people are people who have definite goals in their lives. A definite goal is the direction that guides us to achieve our dreams. Without a definite goal, we will live without direction and motivation. Therefore, we must determine our definite goal.

Our definite goal must be in accordance with Islamic law, beneficial for ourselves and others, and realistic. We also have to determine the steps we need to take to achieve our definite goal. Besides, we have to measure our progress periodically and evaluate what we need to improve.

4. Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is one of the bad habits that can hinder us from being successful. Procrastinating means we don't appreciate the time Allah SWT has given us. In fact, time is one of the most precious blessings. Therefore, we must avoid procrastination.

The way to avoid procrastination is by making work priorities, creating a regular schedule, and dividing the work into smaller parts. We also have to eliminate distractions that can divert our attention, such as gadgets, social media, or unimportant things. Besides, we have to motivate ourselves by remembering the benefits and results of our work.

5. Manage time well

Time management is one of the keys to success. With good time management, we can manage our time effectively and efficiently. We can finish our work on time, without sacrificing its quality and quantity. In addition, we also have time to rest, socialize, and do the things we like.

The way to manage time well is by making a list of the work we have to do, determining the priorities and deadlines for the work, and allocating enough time for each work. We also have to avoid multitasking, as it can reduce our concentration and productivity. Besides, we have to respect other people's time, such as not being late, not disturbing, and not wasting other people's time.

6. Keep improving yourself

Successful people are people who are never satisfied with themselves. They always try to keep improving themselves, in terms of knowledge, skills, attitude, and morals. They are aware that they are not perfect, and there are still many things they can learn and develop. Therefore, they never stop learning and innovating.

The way to keep improving yourself is by always looking for useful knowledge, either from books, the internet, teachers, or other people. We also have to hone the skills we have, or learn new skills that are needed. Besides, we have to maintain our attitude and morals, by always being positive, patient, honest, humble, and responsible.

7. Always do good

Successful people are people who don't just think about themselves, but also others. They always do good, both to Allah SWT, the Prophet SAW, family, relatives, friends, and society. They are aware that the good they do will return to them, both in the world and in the hereafter. Therefore, they never hesitate to share, help, and spread kindness.

The way to always do good is by following the sunnah of the Prophet SAW, who always did good to everyone, without discrimination. We also have to use our wealth, time, and energy to do good deeds, such as giving charity (sedekah), paying zakat, giving endowments (wakaf), or voluntary donations (infaq). Additionally, we have to guard our tongue and heart, by always speaking kindly, thinking good thoughts, and doing good deeds.

8. Istiqomah (Consistency)

Istiqomah is one of the qualities that successful Muslims must possess. Istiqomah means being consistent and steadfast in doing something, without being easily swayed or changed. Istiqomah is a sign of a Muslim's faith and piety. With istiqomah, we can achieve our goals and gain the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Here's how to practice istiqomah:

  • Always remember Allah SWT, follow His commands, and avoid His prohibitions.
  • Continuously remind yourself of your goals and don't be swayed by temptations or obstacles.
  • Regularly seek Allah SWT's help and protection through prayer, remembrance (dhikr), and putting your trust in Him (tawakkal).

These are the 8 habits of successful Muslims that we can emulate. May this article be beneficial and inspire us to become better and more successful Muslims. Ameen.